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The Truth has been stolen from you!

Everything you think you know has been fabricated to keep you seduced and asleep. You are here to discover and awaken the sleeping consciousness within you. ~The Feudal System Never Left & You Are Chattel Owned

~ The Way into the Becoming

~We Are Seeds Transmuting the Physical Body into Our True Immortality in the Great Becoming

~ Every Choice is Critical and the Path Must Be Consciously Walked with Integrity in Truth. Every Choice is Critical No Matter How Small they seem, they comprise the Universe.

The Hijacking - Original Fall There is much healthy discussion taking place in determining the ways that manipulating forces have invaded, hijacked and concealed Light Truth. For those on such a quest in their awakening state, a far more sophisticated level of ensnaring is surfacing on account of this power; a power occurring within the Universal Wave, which is inside us as much as throughout the Universe. Now more than ever we are navigating through a minefield of not only misinformation, disinformation and spiritual interference, but also a whole new level of seduction that seeks to blind and bind humanity deeper within the earthen prison matrix- especially against those waking up and unlocking Keys. The aim of the 'game' is to snare humanity utilizing powerful truths. If one is connected to their True Source, through one's inner kingdom, and not via external sources, then they will not seek to gravitate to anything parasitic with attaching hosting forces, designed to lead one astray. Their means of snaring are conducted with enough pearls of truth to seduce ones soul (not Spirit as the Spirit cannot be lied or seduced to), to not only be harvested, but also invaded, possessed and bound unto all manner of trappings. Such effects will only lead one away from "SELF", which is derailing from the true path. Whatever one calls these forces is irrelevant, for there are many, and so many in fact that most would find it difficult to fathom. These 'tools' that were taught to humanity via different mediums through rituals, esoteric arts, channeling etc, were just ways in which all these 'beings', 'entities', dark matter could invade and harvest under the guise of spirituality and truth seeking. Whatever gifts and knowledge bestowed was to serve their hidden objectives of our enslavement to 'them'. The purpose was to fool the soul so that people would not connect to their 'Spirit Being' or 'Universal Frequency Template'. In so doing, they were and have been able to hijack humanity and keep them away from the Center of their BEING, wherein everyone bears the Vital and ability to access everything without obstruction, corruption, manipulating forces nor astral interference. All of the differing tools used are essentially instruments for channeling the many 'forces', 'principalities', Archontic, reptilian, alien/parasitic hierarchies etc. This information is not from the True Source in my experience, but rather a part of the programming matrix, which is to keep everyone deeply locked inside 'their' elaborate prison farm, that is not just the world we live in, but the most powerful prison being layered upon minds and heart. In this way we are truly trapped if we continue to believe the holographic prison matrix and accept the version of reality that they are and have been controlling the masses to believe, see, smell, hear and live. They had to find ways to keep people trapped whom are waking up. They knew they could not stop the Universal energies in consegrity when such occurs, so what better way to keep the prisoners breaking out than to give them 'spiritual esoteric gifts', tools and instruments so as to keep them ensnared with even more hijacking attachments that would serve to keep them from the very truth they are seeking. This is the ouroboros, where upon no matter how much you seek, you will never truly get anywhere except more laden with attachments and new agreements of entrapment, so as to never escape the snake that is feasting upon you. The information will lure you further into deeper centers where hosting and invasion are a set up waiting. The seduction is in how the information makes a person 'FEEL', which is the key to how they operate. One must 'know thyself' in order to discern the difference between the True Universal Source and the false light and manipulations of the invaders, hijackers and overseers. There are many drug-like affects they can induce upon us with everything, and language is one of the greatest spells cast to keep us rigged inside the web, even and especially when we are truth seeking. These inducements/attachments will keep one digging further and further inside the snake while simultaneously separating the seeker from 'Self', therefore the 'True Source'. This of course is designed to keep us away from the very thing 'they' fear the most which is Yourself = the Kingdom of the Universes. When many of these magical things are 'created' to be a conduit of information transference under the guise of helping mankind connect to 'Spirit', then not only is the information corrupted, but it is corrupted because it comes with quantum levels of attachments, agreements and invaders, whose sources operate under ulterior hidden agendas. Such have nothing to do with helping us to become emancipated out of this harvesting prison recycling hell. I don't know if you have seen archontic parasites which are one example of the hordes at work here, but they love hosting people by making people feel a false sense of 'god', protection, guidance, psychic gifts, downloads, spiritism, blessings, euphoric holy spirit feelings, feelings of love, of things we ourselves 'feed' from (list is too long), though in reality they are nothing but attachments that are only interested in vampirizing us eternally inside the great Harvester Ouroboros. The more we look outside ourselves and give into others realities, the more lost we will be until finally our Spirits will be so disconnected in that division of Being, that the soul will no longer have True Source discernment because it simply will not recognize 'itself' in order to shatter the matrix of captivity.

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Legal Disclaimer: Laura Leon recommends persons see a licensed health care practitioner for any physical, mental or emotional issues that one may be experiencing.  All assessments should be undertaken by licensed practitioners, therefore follow your physician’s recommendations for medications and overall treatment plan and clinical psychological diagnosis or medical advice. 

The information here is not intended to replace that of licensed medical services, or to divert persons from seeking professional care and help. Sovereign Ki - Laura Leon is not a licensed health care practitioner and does not diagnose, treat or prescribe. She simply moves and balances energy that can result in increased awareness and wellness, with shifts in consciousness and timelines, in order to facilitate positive changes and evolution. 

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