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Declaration of Sovereignty

Declaration created and contributed by Houus



Remembrance and Reclamation of My Inherent I AM Sovereignty


The following is to be declared in effect via the spoken word.


I AM , I proclaim & stand in my inherent BEING to be unhindered as my Divine Sovereign I AM Self
from this moment and for perpetuity. This declaration is made by the I AM MY BEING.

I AM  is defined as: MY own unique Self; my MATTER, Antimatter Self, Conscious, Unconscious, Subconscious, ALL Consciousness on all levels, dimensions, densities, existence, timelines, all levels of existence of MY BEING in ALL VERSES for I AM ALL VERSES (Spirit,
Consciousness, Unconsciousness, Soul and all Soul fragments) Defined and Beyond Definition. This extends and not limited to my material self: DNA, RNA, every single atom and cell. ‘ME’ is also defined as: My emotional body, spiritual body, mental body, electromagnetic
body, frequency, and the original blueprint of SOURCE AS and THROUGH ME
throughout all time-space, space-time, timelessness, within all folds of time, in
any verse, universe, anti-verse, world, frequency or density, black hole, white hole, Star or any System of Creation, parallel world's, Internal, external and MetaVerse/s. I collapse the artificial Matrices & Synthetic InVerse Universe from my Original Template of MY PRIME CREATION!

Anyone or anything with nefarious intent whom, intrudes, exploits, enslaves,
manipulates, controls, oppresses, deceives, interjects, interferes, suppresses,
inhibits, buys, sells, claims to own, trades ANY fragment(s) of ME, mind controls,
invades, remote views, spies, shadows, uses implants, uses nanite technology,
parasites, infectious disease, viruses, black magic, sorcery, programming,
frequency waves, tractor beams, trickery, slavery in any form, obstructs,
interjects thoughts or beliefs through external creation of dreams or telepathy or

ANY OTHER NEFARIOUS BEHAVIOR now and throughout all time-space, space-
time, timelessness, within all folds of time, in any verse, universe, anti-verse,

world, frequency or density is FORBIDDEN for perpetuity!

I recognize all above acts as unlawful crimes against ME, my Sovereign Free Will
and against the Universal Law of One. Let it be known, I REJECT and REBUKE
these acts from the highest order of the I AM Source for now and for perpetuity.
NO human, person(s), living or nonliving beings, entities,
corporations/institutions/religious sects, political parties, machines, artificial
intelligence in all forms, secret/covert groups, on/off world
energies/frequencies anywhere have the right to override my Sovereign Free Will


ANY and ALL contracts, agreements, tacit agreements or treaties made by or for
ME including, but not limited to, anyone in my ancestral linage or by anyone
consummating consent for ME in the past under duress, involving deception,
trickery, mind control, during the use of black magic ceremonies or sorcery
procedures or while serving someone else’s selfish agenda occurring in any
moment of time-space, space-time, timelessness, in any fold of time as
represented on Earth/Tara/Gaia or across ANY verse, anti-verse, inverse,
universe, on any level, within ANY density by anyone or anything without FULL
TRANSPARANCY and full understanding by (ME) is declared a violation of my
Sovereign Free will and is declared NULL and VOID for perpetuity! I do this
through my right as an Infinite Divine Sovereign Being with the power of
Universal Law of One.

In the future if ANY living or non-living person(s), being, entity, corporation,
institution, religious sect, political party, government, machine, artificial
intelligence of any kind, secret/covert group, on/off world energy/frequency or
consciousness wishes to have a contract, treaty, agreement or tacit agreement
with ME, one MUST disclose their identity and also MUST disclose the identity of
who or what they are representing or working for. One MUST do so face to face
in this physicality with COMPLETE transparency. EVERY SINGLE DETAIL MUST
be highlighted and explained in FULL DETAIL with full acknowledge and
agreement of my free will AND shall only be validated with my wet INK




I lovingly invoke and reclaim my Sovereignty from the highest order of the I AM
SOURCE OF THE ONE INFINITE CREATOR and embrace the power and
expression OF Source AS and THROUGH ME now and for perpetuity.

AS the DIVINE SOVEREIGN BEING I AM in freedom I remember who (Divine
Self) and what (In expression) I AM in fullness.

As an expression of the ONE TRUE CREATOR SOURCE that I AM, I extend
divine love and forgiveness to ALL who have trespassed against me. Both love
and forgiveness are granted with kindness and compassion from a place of pure
authentic grace. This act is NOT to be considered as a sign of weakness NOR as
permission to continue insidious acts toward or against ME. Therefore, let it be
known, forgiveness is expressly granted from the I AM force within ME.

I hereby state, I have the right of my own SOVEREIGN FREE WILL to change,
update, or modify this Declaration at ANY time.

Legal Disclaimer: Laura Leon recommends persons see a licensed health care practitioner for any physical, mental or emotional issues that one may be experiencing.  All assessments should be undertaken by licensed practitioners, therefore follow your physician’s recommendations for medications and overall treatment plan and clinical psychological diagnosis or medical advice. 

The information here is not intended to replace that of licensed medical services, or to divert persons from seeking professional care and help. Sovereign Ki - Laura Leon is not a licensed health care practitioner and does not diagnose, treat or prescribe. She simply moves and balances energy that can result in increased awareness and wellness, with shifts in consciousness and timelines, in order to facilitate positive changes and evolution. 


Recordings are strictly NOT permitted & are illegal. That which I create, speak, write, record, communicate is MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and is illegal for anyone to utilize without my express signed permission! ©

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