" When we did our session, I felt like you had been with me throughout the whole journey I was going through for the past year. I knew you could sense and pick up on all the pain and struggles I was experiencing. You gave me courage to confront these issues, putting myself first.
I appreciated that you didn't sugarcoat anything. You're straight to the point, but yet loving and caring. I felt like you were a cheerleader and warrior at the same time, but meanwhile empowering me to find my inner cheerleader and warrior…Again, thank you and I send you many blessings and love!"
Ana. B- California, U.S.A
Introducing Sovereign Ki
Sovereign Ki serves as a Meta-KI-QINETICS© psychic counselor, forensic anomalous profiler, Spirit seer and practitioner of Spirit energetics in her operating capacity as a quantum energy shifter. She works as a facilitator toward personal healing, utilizing both innate and learned abilities towards excavation of soul memories, created time-lines, densities and multi dimensional realms of existence. Her ever evolving, lifelong abilities are additionally aided via more conventional means of learning through university studies within the fields of psychology, anthropology, archaeology and environmental politics which enhances the parapsychology excavation process. The Universal Spiral Creation is the Key to all experiences and all levels of Creation. Herein Sovereign Ki shares the keys for self emancipation and one's Verse in Sovereignty and power.
The primary focus of service is in merging the complex dynamics of psychology, emotions, mind, body and Spirit toward heightened comprehension of our current paradigm upon all its levels and layers. She acutely assesses one's traumas and personally coaches clients toward their energy Healing and balancing requirements with a holistic focus upon one's well-being. She examines core issues and the 'big picture' in all her client work, seeking the root causes of issues arisen.
Her acute perception of quantum healing energy fields upon it's many dimensions, levels and time-lines can access elements that are often buried, lost or hidden within the fabric of these quantum layers and folds.
Her passions involve uncovering and investigating personal and group anomalous trauma set-ups, personality disorders and the often unseen forces of paranormal interference, offering deep insight for her clients to access memories, collapse self- limiting paradigms, and in turn Heal core emotional wounds towards their Spiritual Integration and ultimately Sovereign Freedom.
Sovereign Ki is an experiencer of many forms of anomalous interference and entered as an incarnate with pre-birth consciousness memories, including future time lines and advance knowledge of events to come. She has lived 'in between worlds', with comprehensions of the nature of this 'cosmic battle', piercing through the veil of our worldly paradigm. At the age of nine, she wrote a book entitled, 'Another Reality' based upon her extensive supernatural life experiences and awareness of our existence within a dual reality Matrix system. As a result of such early experiences, she has accessed Keys relating to the 'game’ being played within this reality and applies those Keys towards discovery of personal Sovereignty on quantum levels.
The goals of her life work and information presented have everything to do with revealing the game, it’s rules of Law/Lore and the Keys to our quantum Sovereignty, emancipation and ultimate Liberation. She is currently in the process of writing autobiographical account of her experiences and perspectives, whilst engaged in projects that provide further revelation of her visions and quantum journey that will be made further public.

We Go Where Your Spirit Takes Me

The materials written by myself and other authors are presented for informational purposes, intended for the benefit of those seeking truth, freedom, personal growth and expansion of awareness.
This website as an independent entity, therefore does not permit and is protected from any form of malevolent attack which attempts to undermine, subvert, harm or intend any strategy of attack. Such will not be permitted to effect myself, family members, colleagues, contributors upon this web site or any loved ones that have ties to me on all levels, all dimensions of time and cycles of time.
Any entity or group visiting this website to partake in reading or sharing the information cannot use such to harm or use it in any way for purposes of deception, ill, agreements of entrapment or snares of any kind. The information is and can only be applied to generate one's personal evolution, freedom, Activation through Love via the One True Source of the Ultimate Creator of which we are part. I hold these terms and conditions as my statement of Law in applied Sovereign Will to be in effect on all levels, dimensions and time, through cycles of time. It is Done and Integrated. OriginalRight O Sovereign Ki Meta Ki Qinetics